Chemical Peels and Their Benefits

Not many of us like the image that stares back at us in the mirror. We all would love to have those wrinkles gone, the dull appearance improved, the fine lines disappear, the spots (brown, black, gray, whatever) just vanish. However, they don’t. They are all real, but the good news is that they are not here to stay. There are improved methods of producing younger, glowing skin and chemical peels is one of them.

In 2011, it was rated as one of the top 5 minimally invasive procedure with about a million people in the USA going for it to revitalize their skin.

What do they do: You could be of any age or gender, looking for a youthful, glowing skin. Chemical peels definitely are an option for you. The skin is the most exposed part and is prone to damage from sun, pollution and dust. These leave uneven tone, dull skin, wrinkles and spots. In all these cases, a chemical peel can produce a marked improvement. A chemical preparation (solution) is applied on the skin which dissolves and removes the upper layers of the skin and allows for new skin to form. This is younger looking, softer, and smoother with fewer imperfections. The strength of the solution and the duration of application will depend completely on the patient’s presenting situation and goals.

Benefits of chemical peels:

  1. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles: Unlike creams and serums and lotions, these offer a much faster way to achieving smoother, clearer skin.
  2. Improves skin tone: The rough, top layers that were exposed to sun are removed, producing skin with improved texture.
  3. Promotes collagen production: The skin is made to produce more collagen, which results in skin that has better elasticity and glow.
  4. Eliminates scars from acne: The damage done by acne through scars left behind can be ‘peeled’ off with a chemical peel.
  5. Improves damage from sun exposure: Exposure to sun is most harmful to skin, and chemical peels help reduce this damage by removing off the top layers of skin that is affected by constant exposure to sun. Mild dark spots also disappear with a chemical peel.
  6. Economical: Compared to the expensive creams and lotions that make huge promises, chemical peels are definitely cost effective.
  7. Quick fix: A session takes about 30 minutes with no need for recovery time.
  8. Boosts self-esteem: A smoother, glowing skin that is free of spots, wrinkles, and fine lines is sure to improve the person’s confidence.

Following are the Indications for Chemical Peels:

  • Treatment and Prevention of Acne
  • Pigmentation
  • Anti-aging
  • Sun-induced Pigmentation
  • Tanning

Chemical peels can be done on face, back, arms and legs, feet. elbows and knees, knuckles to even out pigmentation and smoothen the skin. Post care precautions are simple to follow-up avoidance of direct sunlight for first 4-5 days, strict application of sunscreen and keeping skin hydrated regularly.

A detailed discussion with your doctor about expectations is definitely the first step if you are thinking of going for a chemical peel.

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