Botox: For a Youthful Look

Younger and youthful look is something everyone aspires to have. However, with growing age fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear. And it is just not age, stress also is a big contributor today to fine lines, making one look much older than they actually are.

Cosmetic technology has advanced phenomenally over the years to fix these issues in no downtime. Now, people can attain the youthful appearance through procedures that do not require a person to go under the knife, and thus are considered safer. However, the rider here is that these need to be performed only by trained professionals.

Botox is one of the inventions of modern science that has not only helped in dealing with the elimination of lines and signs of aging, but has many other medical benefits in treating multiple health conditions, including migraine, urinary incontinence and eye squints.

Botox’s contribution to making one look younger is remarkable. A Botox injection takes a short time to administer and fixes fine lines conveniently and non-invasively.

  • Fights Wrinkles: Botox can be used for static as well as dynamic wrinkles in order to make the skin appear more firm. Dynamic wrinkles are the lines that appear only where there is certain facial motion like furrowing the eyebrows and laughing. These can show up as fine lines of the forehead, wrinkled skin between the eyebrows, crow’s feet and laugh lines, to name a few. The more prominent kinds of wrinkles are known as static wrinkles which are visible at all times, irrespective of the expression that a person might be wearing. These can be seen as lines that remain etched across the face even when the face is at rest.
  • Stops spread of static wrinkles: While Botox can help in freezing the movement of the skin when a person is laughing or crying so that the lines and wrinkles do not appear, it also prevents further spread and deepening of the static wrinkles.
  • Areas of face and neck where Botox is used: Botox is primarily administered in the forehead region as it is most effective in curbing the appearance of shallow static lines and other dynamic wrinkles in this area. But a skilled hand can also apply Botox in other areas of the face for firm looking skin. It can be used for treatment of forehead lines, crow’s feet or lines around eyes, correction of droop in eye brows, droops at angle of lips, correction of lines in the neck, and to achieve slimmer and well defined jawline.
  • Results: The results of Botox treatment lasts for 4-6 months and needs to be re-administered in order to be effective.

There is only one thing to take of: That all these indications for Botox usage in cosmetic dermatology must be done by a skilled and trained dermatologist.

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